About Your Credit Rating…

If I asked you what your credit rating was, would you know? No, seriously, if I called you up right now and asked you for your credit rating, would you know exactly what it is? Not if you’re pretty sure what it might be, but actually what it is. If you [...]

How To Reduce Stress by Restructuring

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) released a study last year revealing that one of the greatest stress causing factors for Australians is money. Are we surprised? When you disagree with your spouse, isn’t it normally about money (or the kids?) [...]

Case Study: A Part Time Wage Saved

Paul and Lacey contacted me early last year. The couple were financially stressed, behind on their loan repayments and on the debt merry-go-round. They had a $20,000 credit card maxed out. This would take 16 years and 7 months to pay off in full at the [...]

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